Fully funded program for entrepreneurship ecosystem leaders and practitioners in Stockholm and Online

⏳Deadline - 31 May !!

📢Fully funded program for entrepreneurship ecosystem leaders and practitioners in Stockholm ( Sweden) and Online!!! 

🌎Eligible countries - #AFRICA ( Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia) #ASIA (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam); #EUROPE ( Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine) . 
🟢Are you dedicated to nurturing and growing the ecosystem for impact entrepreneurship? Impact Pioneers is a leadership programme that welcomes you to exchange experiences with an international network of peers and gain first hand insights and experience from Sweden’s most successful impact entrepreneurship leaders and environments. The programme mixes online learning modules with a one-week onsite summit in Stockholm.
❗Impact entrepreneurship refers to the efforts to create, develop, and sustain new business that pursue environmental and/or social goals as an integral part of the business model, along with financial success. It is a global phenomenon in many ways rewriting the rules of traditional business with its much broader and bolder ambition. It is a potential driver of both economic and social development, as well as a force that can help accelerate the global green transition. If nurtured and empowered, it has great potential to bring forward new businesses needed today and in the future, bringing sustainable innovation, growth and jobs to local communities. 
📌Impact Pioneers’24 seeks to strengthen leaders and enablers working in organisations and networks that want to promote the nurture and growth of local impact entrepreneurship. The programme aims to grow participants skillset through exchange of experiences, perspectives, cases, tools and frameworks. A central component of the programme is also networking across an international cohort of peers and with the Swedish impact entrepreneurship ecosystem. This component is key, as is the programme hopes to plant seeds for future partnerships, to the benefit of impact startups and scaleups as they seek to expand their growth, reach and overall impact.
🎉The longterm programme objective is connected the SDG 8, target 8.3, which includes promotion of activities and policies that support entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation to encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and mediumsized enterprises, ultimately contributing to job creation and sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

🔎Applicants must meet the following requirements👇
👉Be a citizen and resident of one of the 22 programme countries
👉Work in an organisation or business systematically working to nurture and grow entrepreneurs.
👉Have the mandate to develop new international partnerships for your organisation/business.
👉Have a good working knowledge of both written and spoken English.
👉Be willing to actively participate, provide support and share their experience and knowledge with other participants.
👉Have identified opportunities and challenges that could be worked on during the programme to help their organisation improve its contribution to the local entrepreneurship ecosystem.

💰The Swedish institute arranges and covers costs related to👇
👉Learning programme
👉Flights to and from Sweden for the Sweden week onsite visit
👉Accommodation, meals, transportation and insurance while in Sweden. 

ℹ️ Details 

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